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Effortlessly manage meeting room availability with the MeetingPoint MagicINFO add-on

Effortlessly manage meeting room availability with the MeetingPoint MagicINFO add-on
3 min read

In a busy work environment, it can be challenging to manage room availability for meetings. You don't want to double-book a room, and you want to make sure that everyone has a fair chance of booking a meeting space. Fortunately, MeetingPoint is a powerful tool that can help you manage room availability for meetings at work. In this blog, we will discuss how to use MeetingPoint to streamline your meeting room booking process.

What is MeetingPoint? 

MeetingPoint is a MagicINFO add-on developed by MagicInfo Services by ScreenCom that helps organizations manage their meeting spaces. MeetingPoint enables you to show meeting room availability, book meeting rooms, and track room utilization. MeetingPoint provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of booking a meeting room. MeetingPoint is compatible with Samsung displays and it is customizable to your own corporate branding look and feel. 

Here's a fun fact: did you know that MeetingPoint was one of the two solutions featured by Samsung at their invite-only seminars which occurred at the latest edition of the ISE this year? You can check out more about MagicInfo Services by ScreenCom at the ISE 2023 and find out more interesting facts and news about digital signage. 

How do you use MeetingPoint to manage room availability for meetings at work?

As with any project, the first thing that needs to be done is to think about what makes a successful digital signage project. This makes it easier to have a successful implementation. Let's say you'd like to purchase the MeetingPoint add-on to make it easier for the school to manage rooms' availability. You'll need to bear in mind that MeetingPoint can only support public *ics. files, meaning your employees' agendas need to be publicly reachable via an URL. Most calendar managing tools like Outlook and Google Calendar are compatible with this add-on. 

MeetingPoint is an easy-to-use tool for any MagicINFO user. Whether you're an experienced user or just getting started all you need to do is follow the step-by-step instructions showing how MeetingPoint works outlined in the YouTube video below. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven't already done so. We regularly upload content showing how to use MagicINFO to make the most out of your digital signage projects. 



Why use the MeetingPoint MagicINFO add-on in the first place?

You might be thinking to yourself, "Why would my business need MeetingPoint when we already have been using Google Calendar for a while?" The answer is simple: MeetingPoint allows you to see in real-time when a meeting has been scheduled. With any other calendar managing tool, you'll need to search the availability of your colleagues to see whether they're in a meeting or not. When you have MeetingPoint up and running, you can easily check whether the room you'd like to book is available by looking at the display connected to the room. 

Another reason why MeetingPoint could be helpful to your business needs is that it allows everyone in the company to reserve a space for their usual sessions easily. Gone are the days when you'd have to argue over who gets what room. Now, all that needs to be done is to book the room in advance so everyone can choose their own brainstorming session times! 

Furthermore, perhaps the most important reason why MeetingPoint could be a valuable addition to your company is that it can boost internal communication in the office. By allowing everyone to see when rooms are available people can easily check when their colleagues are busy and when they're available. If you're working in a place where day-to-day meetings are a regular occurrence such as a car dealership, MeetingPoint can help you create a luxurious customer experience in your showroom because it removes the hassle of always having to remember who has a meeting when allowing your employees to give all their attention to the customers. 

MeetingPoint is a powerful tool for managing room availability for meetings at work. With MeetingPoint, you can be sure that you're making the most of your meeting spaces and avoiding the headaches of double bookings or unavailable rooms. 

Would you like to find out more about using MeetingPoint and MagicINFO to achieve your digital signage goals? Schedule a meeting with one of our experts and let us help you level up your business with digital signage!

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