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5 Tips for digital signage content design - part 3

5 Tips for digital signage content design - part 3
3 min read

In this blog series about digital signage content design, we share a few tips that will help you create the best-looking content that meets your company standards and attracts the attention of the people. If you're looking for a more detailed step-by-step guide to help you achieve your digital signage goals, check out our content creation pillar page. 


We already shared some technical tips about using the right file sizes and ratios. The second blog was about improving the readability of your content items. In this last blog, we share tips that you can use to determine your layout and tips about how you can use different focus techniques.

Tip 1 Prioritize your items

When you're starting to design you have to decide: What is the most important part of the content item? Creating a visual hierarchy for your digital signage content design will help you with this and in the end, ensure that the most important information gets seen first. Size helps your audience to prioritize elements, as well as the arrangement, angles, and open space. The most important content should be highlighted as a headline or an image that stands out. This could be a text-based offer e.g. “Sale 50% Off”, or something more informational, like a direction for way-finding.

Tip 2 Use the “F pattern” or the rule of thirds

You want your message to be seen in a specific way and the aim is to draw attention to the most important part of your content. Using the “F pattern” or “the rule of thirds” are ways to compose your content item. These are compositions that generally follow eye movement and help to create compelling and well-composed content items. In most parts of the world, the eye movement starts at the left side and reads like the shape of an “F”. This gives you an idea of where to put your text when you start designing from a clean sheet. The “rule of thirds” is a composition guideline that places your subject in the left or right third of a content item, leaving the other two-thirds more open.

Tip 3 Leaving enough outside space around the edges

As already mentioned in tip 2, angels and open spaces are just as part of a design as texts and images. When leaving enough blank space at the borders, it will support the items where it’s all about and it will prevent content from being cut off. 

Tip 4 Create zones in your layout display

We often advise customers to create zones in their layouts. This way you create recognizability for your audience and a sort of predictiveness at the same time. And because of that, your message can also stand out when you deviate from this with a special offer. For example, you can create fixed places for your news feed or weather information. By creating templates that designers can choose from, you can create rules like never using 2 images side by side or more than 1 video. Using templates you always have fixed places for the content items.

Tip 5 Preview and trust your message

It’s important to test out different words, formats, lengths, and actions. “Less is more” is often said. This expression also applies to designing content for signage. Don’t use too many graphics or shiny eye-catching elements to get your audience's attention. Trust in your message!

Now you know, digital signage content is not all about catchy headlines, smashing videos, and bright colors. The layout and placement of particular items are crucial too. 

These are the last 4 tips in this blog series about creating content for digital signage. This will surely help you get started with content creation and making the best design. 

Want to learn more about how to create content? During the online training for content, we show you how to use the MagicINFO authoring tool and share best practices. Not ready for training and just want to continue reading more tips? Make sure to sign up for blog posts and our YouTube channel to not miss any tup about digital signage!

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