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5 tips for digital signage content design - Part 2

5 tips for digital signage content design - Part 2
3 min read

In this blog series about digital signage content design, we share a few tips that will help you create the best-looking content that meets your company standards and draws people’s attention. If you're looking for a more thorough guide to creating content for digital signage displays, you should also read our content creation pillar page. 

In the latest blog, we shared tips about some technical basics, like using the right ratio, resolutions, and file sizes. Having these checked and set right, means that you can start designing from the best starting point. We are now going to cover some helpful tips that you can use when you start designing. These tips will improve the readability of your item. Very important when you want your message to get out there!

Tip 1 Choose a contrasting color pallet

The message of your signage display must be easily visible and separated from other elements in your design. Therefore the contract is the primary factor to give attention to. Because when there's a poor contract this will affect the readability. Make sure there’s plenty of contrast between background and foreground colors.

Tip 2 Do not use more than 2 fonts

You don’t want your font to be too small to read. Because this will impact whether your message comes across and also affects your brand image. The font style you choose should be simple and legible. A rule that can be followed is to use no more than 2 fonts in a content item. Also, don't be too active with the use of cursive styles because they are often difficult to read from a distance.

Tip 3 Use a sans serif typeface and bold letters

The choice of font depends on your company branding guide, however, you can choose a different font for your signage content. Because not all fonts are suitable for signage content. Use large font sizes and bold letters, which are often easy to read from a distance. The image shows the differences between a Serif font and a Sans Serif font. The Serif font is often used in printed materials like books, leaflets, and magazines. You can say the lines of the letters help the eye from one letter to another, and from one word to another. For signage content, our tip is to look at fonts within the Sans Serif typeface. These letters are more compact and therefore easier to read, making them ideal for digital signage content.

Or upload your own custom font:

Tip 3 Font size

The location where your signage display is located is very important when choosing the right font and also font size. Is your target group close by or does your message need to be readable from a distance of 2 to 3 meters? Normally, a 20-30 point font can be read at a distance of 7 meters, while a 100-point font can be seen at a distance of 8 meters.

Tip 4 Keep your message short and concise

Of course, it depends on several factors like the location and the type of message. But in general, a message should be short and to the point. In the signage world, the 3 x 5 line of text is often spoken of. This means that you choose between three lines of text with a maximum of five words per line or five lines of text with a maximum of three words each. Don't make it too long or too messy, but to the point. People often scan your content and that is why a clear and powerful message is the tip to take to heart!

Tip 5 Test!

There is only one way to find out whether your texts are legible and that is to experience them yourself! So make sure you have a display for testing at your workplace to see for yourself what the final result is like. Then you can decide whether to continue with your design or make some adjustments.

In the next blog, we will talk about the structure of your template and give some practical tips about different focus techniques and layouts.

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