MagicINFO blog

The benefits of getting trained to use MagicINFO

The benefits of getting trained to use MagicINFO
3 min read

Why would you get trained to use MagicINFO?


So you heard that digital signage is the future and you want to be a part of it. Maybe you find software intimidating to work with. You feel overwhelmed by the number of opportunities for working with digital signage. Regardless of what’s been holding you back from using digital signage for your business, getting the support you need will send you on the right path. Training is the most powerful way to get an in-depth understanding of MagicINFO and become an expert yourself one day. 

Reasons to opt for our MagicINFO trainings 


Read on to find out more about our training offering and 3 reasons for choosing to let MagicINFO experts train you or your employees. 

 1. You will save lots of time 


Choosing when to admit defeat and let someone help you learn a new skill can be a difficult decision, but in the long term it will pay off. Think about what you can do with all the extra time left after you receive the training. Instead of struggling with the basic setup in MagicINFO, you can already move on to more difficult, time-sensitive tasks. In plus, because you will already know the basics of MagicINFO you can dedicate more time to learning more difficult things that you can do with the software, like scheduling your content to display only between those times that you think matter. 


 2. You will prepare yourself/your employees for higher responsibilities


If you are serious about incorporating digital signage into your business, it is highly recommended that you have a designated person or small team in charge of everything MagicINFO-related. And receiving training is the easiest way to make sure they understand how to perform their tasks optimally. Also, it makes them feel more confident about their skills since they will receive a certificate that acknowledges their newly gained skills. 

We have also covered how to create your digital signage dream team in another blog where we share tips for getting buy-in for your signage project, so make sure to check it out.

 3. You will ensure the return on your investment 


Taking into account the two points mentioned above, that it will save your business time, and that it will ensure your employees are properly prepared to perform their tasks, you will see a return on your investment. The content on your display will be more professional and your employees will feel more confident that they can handle issues that may arise by themselves. 

 What are the trainings that offer?


We offer three types of training, each of them suited for different needs and purposes, which will be covered below. At the end of your training, you'll receive a certificate from us that recognizes your participation.


  • Training for content
  • Training for IT
  • Workshops

Training for content


Do you have lots of creative ideas about how to use digital signage but you struggle with the  Web Author functionalities?

During the 3-hour online training for content, our consultant will guide you through all the practical know-how to unlock the full potential of MagicINFO. We will walk you through the entire creative process and, by the end of the session, you will understand how to:

  • Upload files 
  • Create content with MagicINFO Web Author
  • Create different templates 
  • Create Playlists
  • Use different types of Playlists
  • Create and manage Schedules
  • Use all Scheduling options 

 Training for IT


Do you want to understand how to set up and manage your MagicINFO account? 

During the 3-hour online training session for IT, you will receive practical advice and know-how from our experienced consultant. You will learn all about the technical aspects of MagicINFO. We have designed a training program specifically aimed at IT Managers and System Managers. By the end of it, you will be able to:

  • Set up your MagicINFO software
  • Understand the server settings 
  • Understand how the Remote Management solution works 
  • Monitor your signage network
  • Update and maintain your software 

H3: The MagicINFO Workshop 


Do you think in-person training is the best solution for your organization and your specific circumstances? Then do not hesitate to contact us and schedule a workshop session with one of our MagicINFO experts. 

Our workshop will give you an in-depth understanding of the features available in MagicINFO that are adapted to your needs. We offer a hands-on approach by combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications in MagicINFO. For example, we can create your Playlist together. Then you can use it straight away on your own. 

Why choose our workshop?

  • It is customized to your specific needs
  • We come to your location
  • Get a MagicINFO pundit to help you with your setup 
  • Get assistance to create your Playlist together with our specialist

Interested in our training offer? Schedule a meeting with one of our consultants and let us help you level up your business with MagicINFO. Get all the tools you need to start and have a successful signage project.


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