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Improve the learning experience with digital signage and gamification

Improve the learning experience with digital signage and gamification
3 min read

Digital signage is an exciting new technology with many applications in airports, retail stores, and many other sectors, including education. It's exciting to see the introduction of digital signage into schools because of its potential to revolutionize learning environments. Using digital signage is a great way to engage students in the classroom. We have another blog in which we cover how digital signage work at schools. In today's blog, we focus on the use of digital signage in education through gamification. 

Keep reading to discover: 

Digital signage in the classroom: A growing trend

Digital signage might be the best way to engage students, who are so often distracted by their phones and laptops. Digital signage can be used for learning, communication, motivation, and assessment.

In education settings, digital signage is an essential tool for communicating with students in real time. It can be used to inform students of changes in schedule or classroom activities; provide updates on events such as field trips or assemblies; share emergency information like fire drills, and showcase important campus announcements like the lunch menu or college fair dates.

Digital displays allow educators to personalize content for specific groups or individuals based on age group (kindergarten through twelfth grade), grade level (first through twelfth), interest area (science club or women's studies major), coursework taken recently (AP Biology versus AP Psychology), etc. The flexibility afforded by digital signage allows teachers to adapt their teaching style based on the needs of each class session and to offer an alternative to classical learning by incorporating visuals like YouTube videos—for example, a history teacher might use it during a unit on World War I when discussing trench warfare conditions because he knows his class has already covered those concepts earlier this year while an English teacher could use it while reading To Kill A Mockingbird because she knows her senior seminar participants will appreciate learning about racial inequality during this period in American history.

How digital signage can help universities and colleges

University and college campuses are places full of information. One could argue that the goal of any university or college is to provide students with an environment where they can learn in a safe, healthy environment. But how can you do that when there’s so much information?

In today’s age, digital signage can be used as a tool for providing students with all the resources they need. It acts as a central hub for keeping your campus up-to-date on what is happening throughout your community. Some ways it does this include:

  • Showing upcoming events on campus
  • Showing what classes are being offered at different times during the semester
  • Providing information about student services (i.e., food pantry) and organizations (i.e., clubs)

Gamification And Digital Signage

Using digital signage and gamification in the classroom: an answer to current learning challenges

You've probably heard of gamification, which is the use of game design elements in non-game contexts. It's a way to make learning more fun and engaging for students by using elements from games like points, badges, levels, achievements, and rewards. Gamification can be used to motivate students and keep them engaged in their learning experience. It can also be used to improve student retention rates or increase student engagement with their studies.

One of the best ways to use digital signage in the classroom is through gamification. Gamification is a great way to teach students and reinforce lessons, motivate students, and create an engaging learning environment.

  • Gamification can be used to teach students. Teachers can incorporate digital signage into their lesson plans by adding interactive games that reinforce the content being taught or as a reward for completing tasks or studying hard (for example, math problems).
  • Teachers can also use digital signage to motivate their students by rewarding them with points when they complete certain activities or do well on tests or quizzes.
  • And lastly, teachers can use digital signage as a way to keep their classes engaged during class time using interactive games that require everyone's participation in order for everyone to benefit from them (e.g., "Name That Tune", "Kahoot").


When it comes to digital signage, the possibilities are endless. It’s easy to see how technology like this can be used in a classroom setting to make learning more fun and engaging for students. It’s also great for teachers who want an easier way to communicate information with their classes or track their progress with assignments. This new technology represents an opportunity for school districts to rethink how they use their classrooms—and what value they want them to provide students today and well into the future.

Curious how can digital signage level up your school or business? Schedule a meeting with one of our consultants and let us help you make the most of your digital signage project.

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