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How data-driven content is shaping the future of digital signage - part 2

How data-driven content is shaping the future of digital signage - part 2
2 min read

Last week I shared my vision on the development of digital signage and how the future of digital signage will be shaped by a data-driven approach and asked for a bit more creativity from those working with these solutions. In this second article about the future of digital signage, I will outline why I think sensor-based technology should be investigated more by organizations. Because if you think about it; isn’t it worth going the extra mile to evolve your digital signage solution into a future-proof project?

Sensor-based technology is coming your way

It’s quite fun to notice how sensor-based technology is making its comeback. In 2001, when I graduated from art school, I was already working with radar sensors and a video wall from barco with television tubes. Here I triggered video (the frame rate of the media player) in Microsoft windows by using a radar sensor. The world is now a very different place since I graduated in 2001, but sensor-based technology is now again very popular.

And when you think about it; Why should customers go through extra steps when you can seamlessly greet, guide, or advertise to them with the help of sensors directly integrated into the digital signage platform? There is a world of possibilities with sensor-based signage and applications. Sensors can help elevate your digital messaging and connect the physical world directly to the digital world.

Go beyond the practical uses of sensor-based signage

Currently, sensor-based technology is often used for practical uses; it needs to have a goal. Information is shown on a display when a customer stops at a product or picks up a product. But so much more is possible. Let’s say you are working at a large firm and you would like to research the use of flex spaces within an office. By placing simple sensors underneath desks you could measure which desks are used more, how many employees are seated, when and where they are seated and you could even try to define when they are more concentrated and where to place information displays.

“With the possibilities of sensor-based signage, the freedom this technology has in store, it enables so much for your signage, that’s fantastic”

And this is just one of the examples, so many creative implementations are possible. Come up with some interesting concepts and test them in real life. And not just in a lab, to check if it meets your expectations is realistic and how it enhances the (customer) experience.

Everyone should try to be a bit of a pioneer

When it comes to innovative digital signage solutions, everyone can try to be a bit of a pioneer to stand out from the competition. Nowadays you do not need a huge budget for this. And this is not an extraordinary accomplishment, it’s about being creative, using the available data wisely, and trying on new solutions such as sensor-based signage. With a display and a “simple” signage MagicINFO package and some different sensors, you can create something innovative. It would be a waste not to look into more future-proof solutions. Every market will eventually make use of the possibilities that almost every product has a chip or IP address. So, what’s your excuse for not developing a bit of a pioneer mentality?


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