MagicINFO blog

What you can do with MagicINFO Lite

What you can do with MagicINFO Lite
by Joey
2 min read

Are you just starting with digital signage or would you like to switch to our signage solution and get your own MagicINFO license? Do you feel overwhelmed and maybe confused by all the options and the differences between them? Read on to find out more about the possibilities the MagicINFO Lite license offers. 


The MagicINFO license comes in two main options: Lite and Premium. We've discussed the main differences between these two signage solutions and we also have a video explaining this, but what is it that you can really do with a MagicINFO Lite license?




Publish and easily share pre-built content

 Lite has been created to allow users to upload pre-built content. This means ready-to-go pictures and videos, and based on your device type you can also have PDF and Office files. Basically, you can upload any type of content that does not need to be edited before being sent out. Most companies are pleased with this option as it allows the user to send the content to the displays quickly and simply, without offering too many options. This makes MagicINFO Lite quite straightforward and user-friendly. If you'd like more information about this feature, make sure to read our blog where we shared 4 tips for using pre-built media content!

Talking about content, with MagicINFO Lite you will also be allowed to share your content within the organization itself but also with the different organization groups separately. 


Smoothly schedule and manage your content

 With MagicINFO Lite you can create general schedules and make use of the messaging option. In addition, preset management is also possible, which enables you to send multiple commands simultaneously to multiple devices. The device statistics will remain available to provide you with the proper insights. In the device overview, you will be able to see your devices, open the quick control and give them a restart if needed. You also get the option to set the automatic on and off timers and change the security settings as well. It's not possible to check in real life what is running on the devices and the source switching because you don't have access to Remote Management, which is only available with a MagicINFO Premium license. 

Effortless user control management

For the user section, the Lite version allows you to create different users and assign or organize their roles. You can also create custom roles and assign them to the selected users. This function remains the same for as well as Lite as Premium, so no distinction has been made there.


Did we spark your interest? If you'd like to hear more about what you can achieve with our MagicINFO you can schedule a meeting with one of our consultants. If you're already convinced you want to purchase the Lite license you can order it here.

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