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Display Power BI dashboards with MagicINFO

Display Power BI dashboards with MagicINFO
2 min read
Knowledge is power! There are several software packages on the market that
provide insight into your business data. These packages show the data in a smart
and fancy way which allows you to make fundamental decisions. An example of
software which is used by a market leader in business intelligence is Power BI by
Microsoft. This software allows you to create easy-understandable and very clear
dashboards. These dashboards allow you to take the next step by taking a look at
the created data, such as graphs and tables.
Data from several sources are getting merged and visualized via the desktop or
mobile app. But did you know that the dashboards are really coming alive when
they are located on noticeable displays? Make your dashboards a daily topic with
your colleagues to show the information in real-time on the Smart Signage displays
from Samsung in combination with MagicINFO.

Business data makes an impression

The results of a marketing campaign are represented in the marketing department, the sales figures in the sales department, or the order status in the production department. You name it and Power BI can create a dashboard for you. Do you want your dashboard to be a part of a presentation with several business messages? Use MagicINFO Web Author to add your dashboard as a web element within your own created template. You can even create a slideshow with the most relevant dashboards within your organization. If you wish to have a screen-filling webpage with a specific dashboard, then choose to show it as a webpage. With this option in MagicINFO, it's also possible to show multiple dashboards on one screen by using 'frames'. Imagine, a 65-inch display divided into four parts where each part shows its own content. That doesn't only make an impression, but your employees will be perfectly informed.

Stable solution for critical business information

MagicINFO is a stable solution that allows data to be shown continuously.
Besides that the Samsung Smart Signage displays save the content till new
content gets offered, there are several different possibilities to control if the right
content gets shown. By using Remote Management you can fully control the
display remotely. If a display gets switched off or doesn't show the right content,
you can use Remote Management to turn it back on again and show the right
content. Besides that, the system is monitoring when a display doesn't work how
it should, and it allows you to receive notifications. By doing so you have full control over your displays and the shown content.

Smart systems create smart people

Not only it's possible to use MagicINFO to show dashboards, but MagicINFO can
also generate data that is used by your business analytics tool. Allow Power BI
to show the results of the content; when it gets shown, what gets shown and for
how long, and so on. So, what happens when you have two smart systems
merged? An even smarter system will be created, a system that makes your
smart people even smarter by providing them with the right business data at the right
Are you interested in the possibility of linking this business intelligence
tool with MagicINFO? Please feel free to contact MagicInfo Services by sending an e-mail

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