MagicINFO blog

Broadcast your stream

Broadcast your stream
2 min read

Pick up the microphone, fidget your earplugs and try to look smart through your webcam. We are all getting used to online events nowadays. Companies are also investing in the best virtual event software and are using professional recording equipment to organize these online gatherings. In return they want you to join and to be impressed and share this online will be the icing on the cake. A way to get more audience and involvement is to stream your online live event. And did you know that you can use MagicINFO for this? Login to MagicINFO, go to Content, click NEW and there you have it ' Streaming'. This is today's highlighted feature.


What is it and why is it there?

As said you can find the Streaming option within the Content section of MagicINFO. It's another type of content you can use with a Premium license. This option allows you to add a streaming address, give the content item a name and save it. Now you can use this streaming content item and schedule it for broadcast within your signage network. However this sounds like this could work with any streaming service, be aware of the MMS, RTP, RTPS, HTTP, HLS streaming protocols. If your stream does not support the protocols, the content may not play. 


How you can use it?

You can use the streaming content item to be broadcast within your whole signage network. This could be an internal live stream event or public. As long as you have the streaming address. Once the streaming content item is saved in MagicINFO it can be scheduled directly or you can add it as a content item to a playlist and then publish the full playlist. Knowing this and knowing MagicINFO you now know you have some options. You can be the director of the show and you can switch between streaming and regular messages. You can even create commercial breaks. It's also up to you to give time to the streaming broadcast because the time and date given to the content item itself are leading. This could come in handy when you want to skip some boring parts, or just have it available during lunch break.


With we are all going live online these days, we think this highlighted feature is worth exploring. Want to start using it? Check the protocol of your streaming service first and feel free to send in a ticket to get some support.


Want to learn more features? We provide in-depth trainings for content managers. Click here to find out more.


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