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Are you dreaming of an impressive videowall?

Are you dreaming of an impressive videowall?
3 min read

Stop dreaming. Use MagicINFO and you can turn your videowall dream into reality.

MagicINFO Premium is perfect to control videowalls with and offers full freedom to your creativity. A huge noticeable videowall or art wall improves your brand and customer experience. Making your videowall dream come true requires the following three possibilities.

Traditional Videowall

1. The massive traditional videowall

You can choose to control multiple displays with 1 MagicINFO player. The amount of displays doesn't matter, you can choose to show one impressive image or video. By using the Daisy Chain or Display Port Loop, you connect the displays to each other which makes them one impressive 16x9 display. Please be aware, for this solution you don't have individual control of the displays, which means the remote management on a specific display will be canceled. However, one thing is for certain; you make a mind-blowing impression with the massive videowall.


Characteristics of the traditional videowall:

  • Impact with the massive display
  • 1 content item for multiple displays
  • Displays are connected via Daisy Chain/ Display Port
  • Multiple displays can be managed with 1 external SBB player
  • 1 connection is required with the MagicINFO cloud/ 1 Premium license
Informal Videowall External 5 Ports Switch Wtih IGMP Snooping V2

2. Play with the features of an Informal videowall

Would you like to create content with all freedom, but still want to have full control of the displays? If so, then the 'Informal videowall' setup is the best decision. This allows you to create content for the displays individually and combined. This means you can show different content on each display or show one big content item on all displays. This offers a lot of possibilities. You even have full control of the Samsung hardware. If a display doesn't show the content, you can remotely see what's going on via remote management. This is very convenient when you aren't near the videowall. So, if you want to show diverse content on multiple displays, then the informal videowall is what you're looking for.


Characteristics of the informal videowall:

  • Full freedom in creativity
  • An external 5 Ports Switch with IGMP Snooping V2 controls the displays as a whole or individually
  • Every display is accessible via Remote Management
  • MagicINFO cloud and license is required per display
Artwall External 5 Ports Switch With IGMP Snooping V2

3. Create a living 'art wall'

Do you want an expressive art wall? With MagicINFO Premium you can configure different displays with content via the Videowall Author. Play with the orientation of the displays by tilting them, and combining them with different types in different shapes and sizes. It's all possible! You can create a true eyecatcher by combining the tight design of the Samsung displays and the dynamic content.


Characteristics of the art wall:

  • Ultimate freedom when it comes to creating content and displays
  • An external 5 Ports Switch with IGMP Snooping V2 controls the displays as a whole or individually
  • Configure and create content via the Videowall Author
  • Every display is accessible via Remote Management
  • MagicINFO cloud and license is required per display


Would you like to get more information about a videowall?

Please feel free to contact us. We will advise you of the possibilities and technical solutions. Please send an e-mail to

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