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6 smart ways to create smart signage content easily with MagicINFO

6 smart ways to create smart signage content easily with MagicINFO
3 min read

MagicINFO is accessible for every use. MagicINFO can be used without too much IT knowledge. In this article, we are mentioning 6 easy ways to create digital signage content using MagicINFO. Easy enough so any user type can work with it!

Do you find it difficult to create content for your displays? Do you struggle to reach your desired target audience with digital signage? Read the content creation pillar page and learn how to effectively design digital signage content. 

All demands regarding IT and content creation have been compared and MagicINFO turned out to be the best usable software. This is great! Besides that, the team has been thinking about the tasks which have to be divided and which skills are required. The MagicINFO team is very excited to share this information.

However, what if you find out halfway through the process that not everyone is just as driven with the design tool or isn't that comfortable with the complicated planning options? Don't panic, MagicINFO can be used without too much IT knowledge. In this article, we are mentioning 6 easy ways to create digital signage content using MagicINFO. Easy enough so any user type can work with it!

1. Set user rights

The advantage of the software for digital signage is that the displays don't have to be managed by one single person, but can be managed by multiple. By managing the user rights, you are able to create a project team with special access. The possibilities of this system are so broad, and the system is very flexible and easy to accommodate any wants and needs. A prime example is that you are able to give some users access to messages relevant to them and provide others with access to more expanded editor options.

2. Limit/use the options in the Web Author

The Web Author is the content-creating tool in MagicINFO. It offers an extremely broad amount of options and features. The number of options can be overwhelming and not quite dummy-proof. To prevent this and keep it clear, there is a short list of several tips:

  • A quick solution is to use the master page. A design with a background and elements which will come back on every single page.
  • You can save pages as a template, by doing this they can be used more often by multiple content creators.
  • It's also possible to lock elements on the page, which makes them non-editable.

Several tips help to create a professional look. You, as a content manager, won't be working with complicated technical systems, if you wish to replace the content.

3. Put the content on FTP and CIFS locations and work from here

By using an FTP server or a CIFS location the content manager won't even have to use MagicINFO. This is because it's straightforward to work with, for example, in a PowerPoint on the FTP server. The content item is the location and all files and items on that location will be placed in the playlist. With the set interval, you can make sure the latest content will be updated when a change has been made or new items have been added to the folder. Which is super convenient!

4. Automate with dynamic data by using widgets or DataLink

A different way to easily create content is by automating this. It can be done by using a widget or by using DataLink. A widget is for example a newsfeed from a frequently updated news website but can also be a feed from the intranet or your own website. The widget only has to be made and scheduled once and that's it. DataLink is a different smart way to use dynamic content. DataLink connects content from the data source with the page in the web author. So, if there are any content adjustments in the source, this will automatically be changed in the presentation too. Think about sales numbers and production information, but it can also just be a birthday calendar. Once set and you're ready to go.

5. Simple CMS

The Simple CMS is a very handy tool that can be used alongside MagicINFO. It's a small application that is hosted on the webpage. This will be included as a web element in a MagicINFO playlist. Just a few pages with a fixed set-up, space for text, and images that can be filled in. All of this in your own style.

6. Work from a data asset management system

If you plan to work with a data asset management system (DAM), you shouldn't have to see MagicINFO. You can work on the content items, playlists, and schedule in the DAM. The content item can be made in Photoshop or Illustrator and you only have to provide a tag with the meta details, which will indicate what has to happen to the file in MagicINFO. The next step is that MagicINFO will take this tag and will show every item with this tag on the display. This way of working is very common in retail which are using multiple campaigns, but it can also be inspiring for businesses in other branches.


Which way fits your needs best strongly depends on your goal with digital signage. Please feel free to contact us about your project.

#let's make content-creating fun!

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